2D 게임을 개발할 때 필요하지만, 막상 어떻게 배워야 할지 막막한 게 픽셀 아트죠. 디스이즈게임에서 픽셀 아트를 배우는데 필요한 꿀강좌 8개를 모아봤습니다./디스이즈게임 권용필 기자
※ 해당 카드뉴스의 강좌 링크는 카드뉴스 아래에 정리되어 있습니다.
#강좌 링크 정리
1. Creating Pixel Art in Photoshop : //vimeo.com/32719806
2. Creating Pixel Art in Illustrator : //vimeo.com/32720258
3. HOW TO DRAW PIXEL ART IN INKSCAPE : //youtu.be/Se7WVuyIEnU?list=UU5HqtAhV8cRpu1aL4qAG5Wg
4. How to Make Pixel Characters : //design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-make-pixel-characters--cms-26263
5. Create Pixel Art with a Limited Palette in 10 Steps with Photoshop : //design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/create-pixel-art-with-a-limited-palette-in-10-steps-with-photoshop--cms-21894
6. Create a Series of Breakfast Pixel Art Icons in Adobe Photoshop : //design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/create-a-series-of-breakfast-pixel-art-icons-in-adobe-photoshop--cms-21346
7. How to Create a Mario, Pixeled Holiday Ornament in Adobe Illustrator : goo.gl/7BRqwA
8. Pixel Art Shading Tutorial : //kitted.deviantart.com/art/Pixel-Shading-Tutorial-47269811